c / light pollution

Bachelor Project - KADK 2015

Light Pollution

Today more than 99% of Europeans and Americans and about two thirds of the human population lives in areas, where the night sky is considered polluted by light. 96% of the European population are unable to see our galaxy the Milky Way and 40% of Americans lives in such bright surroundings that their eyes actually never switches to night vision.


It is estimated that in the US alone, 17,4 billion Kilowatt-hours are annually wasted into the atmosphere. That equals $2,2 billion, about 30% of the annual amount budgeted to lightening the streets. Enough to annually fund a new mission to Mars! Researchers have found links between people living a life polluted by light and certain types of cancer. Even links to diabetes, obesity and depression have been found. Also trees, which we so heavily rely on, are said to produce around 7% less oxygen when exposed to light pollution from populated areas.


But, contrary to other of our world’s many problems with contamination, light pollution is comparatively easy remedied and It’s even possible within the life expectancy of our generation! How? We need to invest more in research on how to use lighting and we need to take responsibility and turn off the light we don't have a use for!

Project Process